1 year old!
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4 Weeks
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8 Months
1 year old!

How the time has flown! Alex turned 1 year old on 11/9/02. Kristi says I need to put more pictures on the website, so this will be a long download!

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Happy 1st Birthday Alex!

P1010904.JPG (67575 bytes) P1010903.JPG (65704 bytes)
P1010905.JPG (37596 bytes) P1010907.JPG (49399 bytes)
P1010883.JPG (67768 bytes) P1020001.JPG (46964 bytes)
P1020007.JPG (67684 bytes) P1010850.JPG (50036 bytes)
P1020003.JPG (64917 bytes) P1020010.JPG (53510 bytes)


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